10 Minute Read

How active is your child?

How much physical movement does your child seek?

The amount of physical movement your child seeks during the day will have a major impact on their daily life.

How active is your child?

If your child scored mainly 12 or more, they need lots of outlets for their energy!

Think positive thoughts about their energy levels, naming them ‘energetic’ rather than ‘hyper’.

If your child is highly active, they will not be able to keep still during quiet activities without fidgeting and squirming. They will need to burn off lots of excess energy.

children playing

If your child scored 8 or less, they need less outlets for their energy!

Think positive thoughts about their energy levels, naming them ‘calm’ rather than ‘lazy’.

If your child is less active, they will naturally be able to sit still and do quiet activities without fidgeting and squirming. They won’t need to burn off so much energy but will probably need to be encouraged to be active. They may also need more time to do tasks.

What can you do for your active or less active child?

  • Find a fun exercise class for kids online. Exercise alongside your child!
  • Give fun chores that require energy and big movements, like helping with the hoovering or mopping the floor.
  • Have a disco with some fun music!
  • Try out some limbo dancing with a two-metre length stick. Take turns going under the stick without touching it, bending your knees and leaning as far back as necessary.
  • If you can, go walking or biking.
  • Set up a tug of war, with equal partners on each side. Use an old sheet that your child’s fingers can easily curl round to get a good grip. Have plenty of space!
  • Give your active child a strategy for calming down when feeling super-energetic, e.g. a quick burst of energetic activity like ‘go fetch a…’ and list some objects that they have to quickly fetch, e.g. red ball, book, one slipper. The more space they have to do this in, the better.
  • Give your less active child plenty of opportunities to settle down to quiet or slower activities during the day, such as sharing a book, board games, Lego or puzzles.

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